
Our Story

The name “SCHAFER” has been synonymous with the word “SOLD” in Noble County for over 50 years. Here at BEN SCHAFER REALTY, we take pride in our heritage, and continue to be the LEADERS in the real estate and auction business in Noble and surrounding counties. Beginning in 1964, with Ben’s grandfather Vincent Schafer, the SCHAFER name has always been the name to call when wanting to sell your real or personal property. Back in the 1960’s while owning and operating Midtown Motors in both Cambridge and Barnesville, Vincent started attending auto auctions, it was there he found a passion that still lives on today. Vincent found a love, which was only second to his wife and children, and became an AUCTIONEER. Throughout the years, Vincent Schafer and the SCHAFER name, became the “GO TO” name, when it was time for individuals, families, or businesses to disperse of their real or personal property. For nearly thirty years Vincent conducted thousands of auctions and real estate transactions, while also instilling in his eldest Grandson, Ben, the passion and love for the real estate and auction business.

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